Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Few Recipe Site I Love

I have discovered several new recipe site lately that I really enjoy.

Why I Don't Have an Ipod

I am so excited about the $7.99 cd sale at Mardel this Saturday! As I was thinking about what cd's I'd like to purchase, it occured to me that I am one of the few STILL buying cd's. Most of my friends buy songs on itunes instead of puchasing the whole cd. I know I may seem a little "behind the times" not owning and Ipod and all, but let me tell you something...I was the first one in my house to own one! Yep, many years ago (okay, a few years ago), Jeff bought me an Ipod for Christmas. I never opened it. Six months later, it became Mikayla's Ipod on her 12th birthday. Now Jeff is on his 4th Ipod, Hatley has had 2, and Mikayla is on her 3rd. They keep getting the "lastest and greatest" one when it comes out. I, however, still don't have one. Sure I could get one too, but WHY? In order to actually use the Ipod I would need to be alone or at least doing something uninterrupted. AS IN NO ONE TALKING TO ME. yeah. Not gonna happen for at least 5 more years. Enough said. Oh, Ipod, I long for the day it's just you and me. I feel it would be like cheating on you if I got you now and had to divide my attention. Ya know, pause you each time my children need help or have a question. Some day, my love. Some day.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I am so excited about this weekend! First, I get to take my time getting ready this morning because I don't have to be at CERC to work until 10am. I LOVE getting up early, drinking coffee, starting some laundry, reading blogs, relaxing with time to spare. To top off a perfect morning routine, Jeff is off today. He is rarely off on Saturday, so it's a real treat to have him home. Of course he's off running, then he'll pull weeds in the yard while I do my own thing, but I love just knowing he's here. It makes me happy. Did I mention I get to work (like make money, people!) BY MYSELF for FOUR HOURS??? I am extremely thrilled about it! I haven't been alone much for 5 months due to a family situation that I can't discuss on here. If you know me well enough to even know about my blog, you probably already know what I'm talking about. We are still healing...all of us. Back to my lovely weekend...
After working BY MYSELF today, we are heading to Southlake to shop at Williams Sonoma (thank you Darcy!!) so I can use my gift card, eat at Anamia's, and then go to my favorite church, Gateway! There are times that I long to go to this church. It's just so amazing. I can't even describe how much I feel at home while there. My heart aches to go back. Jeff and I wish we lived close enough to attend every week and really get involved, but we don't. sigh.
Tomorrow morning we are attending a church in Plano to hear an author of a book Jeff is reading speak. I am anticipating a great service there as well. Does it get any better?? Time alone, Jeff off work to hang out with the kids, shopping, mexican food, and lots of JESUS! Woo hoo! I am pumped about this weekend!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Mikayla and Wavorly

Wavorly at 9 weeks old. She weighs 2.4 pounds.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sweet Wavorly

Wavorly playing

Wavorly's first day at home- 8 1/2 weeks