Monday, August 25, 2008
Peace and Chaos
I love the song Something Heavenly by Sanctus Real (see on my playlist). We've had this CD since it first came out and I love every song on it, but this song just stands out to me. I finally got to ride in the car ALONE (rare thing) and heard the words, I mean really heard them for the first time. I teared up, knowing this phrase so describes what God's been doing in me lately: "It feels like chaos, but somehow there's peace." WOW! He's been teaching me and stretching me in new ways and I fight it at times. Why do I do that? I know His way is best, yet I fight. In my mind there's this chaos because I don't know where I'm headed, but in my heart there's peace because I know the ONE I am following. So simple, but so complex at the same time. Chaos and peace don't sound like they belong together, yet they do.
Friday, August 22, 2008
GREAT DEALS tomorrow at Old Navy
Ya'll know how I like a bargain (and like to share the deals)...tomorrow at Old Navy, kids jeans are only $7 and adults $12. Those are GREAT prices!! Happy shopping!
Back to School
So, school started back for us on Tuesday. Since we homeschool, we can start and end whenever I choose, but since I like to take nice long breaks at Christmas and spring break, I typically start earlier than public school. I am still working on my history lesson plans and will start that subject on Monday. I am excited about teaching both of my children out of the same history book this year. For the past six years we have participated in a university model co-op so my children have been in classes with other children two days per week. This year M has two classes outside the home and H has one. I am not teaching at a co-op this year. I LOVE teaching, so I am a little sad about not teaching a class to other children (especially the K-2 graders), but am so excited to have more time to spend teaching my own children. M can pretty much be on her own at this point, but H still needs some guidance (a swift kick in the pants is more like it). Anyway...I was shopping with my husband yesterday and witnessed the horror of "back to school shopping." I heard moms complaining about "being out ALL day with these kids," boys griping about which shoe they want "cause this one is cool, that cheap one's not," and girls whining about which jeans back her butt look big, etc etc. etc. It was making me tired just listening to the complaining. I used to think my kids were missing out or were being cheated out of the "great" opportunity of shopping for new stuff just before school starts. HA! I loved back to school shopping as a kid and have lots of fond memories of what I wore the first day of school. every. single. year.
I probably spent, oh.. let's say... 100 hours or so trying to decide which outfit was perfect for my first day of high school. Let me just tell all of you that don't know where I grew up just how NOT a big deal fashion was in our school...
1. Most of us went to school together since kindergarten (my class was largest with 24)
2. We all lived in the country (I'm talkin' WAY out- 20 min. to the nearest grocery store)
3. Most guys wore wranglers, ropers, big belt buckles, and always had a dip in their lip(yes, it was allowed in class, but gum was not)
4. The closest mall was Tyler or Dallas (at least an hour for one, 1 1/2 hours for the other), so shopping was limited.
So, shopping "out of town" for school clothes was a BIG deal. Almost as looked forward to as Christmas. As a matter of fact, my BFF and her mom would often make plans with my mom and I to go together for this "out of town" experience. It was big-time people. We couldn't wait to get to school to show off our new clothes. Yes, I know how shallow this sounds, but it's all we had in the country. I made it my mission to be as far away from hick as I could in my dress. Other than the time I dropped some $$$ to impress a cowboy, but that's another story for another day. sigh.
Back to my story, I am so thankful that my children can wear pj's to school or clothes that have paint on them(M would wear them in public, but I won't let her), or whatever they want. They don't care AT ALL about fashion or brands. I even had to send one back into the house Tuesday to iron the pants he/she had on to wear to class. It was so obvious they needed to be ironed, but my kids just don't notice that sort of thing. So, while many believe homeschoolers are being cheated socially, that's just not the case here...However, we are doing an injustice to our children by not teaching them to be obsessed over fashion and looks. I just don't know how they will manage in the real world.
I probably spent, oh.. let's say... 100 hours or so trying to decide which outfit was perfect for my first day of high school. Let me just tell all of you that don't know where I grew up just how NOT a big deal fashion was in our school...
1. Most of us went to school together since kindergarten (my class was largest with 24)
2. We all lived in the country (I'm talkin' WAY out- 20 min. to the nearest grocery store)
3. Most guys wore wranglers, ropers, big belt buckles, and always had a dip in their lip(yes, it was allowed in class, but gum was not)
4. The closest mall was Tyler or Dallas (at least an hour for one, 1 1/2 hours for the other), so shopping was limited.
So, shopping "out of town" for school clothes was a BIG deal. Almost as looked forward to as Christmas. As a matter of fact, my BFF and her mom would often make plans with my mom and I to go together for this "out of town" experience. It was big-time people. We couldn't wait to get to school to show off our new clothes. Yes, I know how shallow this sounds, but it's all we had in the country. I made it my mission to be as far away from hick as I could in my dress. Other than the time I dropped some $$$ to impress a cowboy, but that's another story for another day. sigh.
Back to my story, I am so thankful that my children can wear pj's to school or clothes that have paint on them(M would wear them in public, but I won't let her), or whatever they want. They don't care AT ALL about fashion or brands. I even had to send one back into the house Tuesday to iron the pants he/she had on to wear to class. It was so obvious they needed to be ironed, but my kids just don't notice that sort of thing. So, while many believe homeschoolers are being cheated socially, that's just not the case here...However, we are doing an injustice to our children by not teaching them to be obsessed over fashion and looks. I just don't know how they will manage in the real world.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
I am so proud of my "super hot chili" plant. I love to plant flowers/plants and do so every spring, but I have had less than good results with vegetables and herbs. My tomato plant is pitiful(no need to show ya'll that picture), but my peppers are fabulous! There are at least 70 peppers on this plant waiting to turn red. Sure they are super hot, and I
probably won't use most of them, but it's satisfying all the same. If any of my friends in the area like hot red chilies, let me know...I'd be happy to give you some.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
My first entry
I have been thinking about starting a blog for over a year. What kept me from just jumping in? I am somewhat of a perfectionist and alot procrastinator. There are several blogs I read EVERYDAY. I have learned so much about other's views of life, family, ministry etc. just from reading blogs. I have been so blessed by reading other ladies' stories. I finally decided that just maybe God will use something from my life to bless someone I don't even know. How cool would that be?
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